Monday, March 19, 2007

Blimey, It's Spring again

Walking from our apt in the East Village to my photographer friend Jools' place for Sunday lunch yesterday, I slipped and sloshed my way for 35 mins through heaps of snow, black ice and puddles of freezing slush. I know I looked like a crazy girl, carrying a pot of red tulips, & dancing & singing along to my iPod in J's over sized green silk parka with fur hood, beanie underneath, with my stick-y legs poking out the bottom in skinny jeans & riding boots. Still Manhattan has way more than its fair share of crazeeee people so I'm sure I fit in just fine.

Lunch was fabulous: Jools & her husband B have a duplex apt on W15th in Chelsea with a huge glass roofed dining room & terrace. Perfect setting for a Spring indoor picnic. B is skiing in Aspen, (Jools is (glowingly) pregnant so he might as well whilst he can), so 8 girls sat down to antipasti, salad and heavenly cinammon-y spiked apple pie & cream from Balducci's. We were a mix of stylists, editors & photographers. Not a media lunch by design but more a reflection of the people we all meet & like through work. And not an American in sight: 2 Aussies, 1 Kiwi and 5 Brits. I live in hope of actually socialising with New Yorkers.

I sat next to a senior editor at a US CN mag who I met for coffee at the Gehry canteen in CN headquarters on my trip over in Oct. She is one of those rare people who brings out the most charming side in everyone she meets. (But then she is an writer rather than a stylist so praps that's why she's not a completely fatuous bitch like most staff stylists.)Fabulous company, and very supportive of my fledgling NY life. On my other side was CM, an English photographer in whose honour lunch was being thrown. I've always liked her work, so interesting to finally meet her.

J & I walked home afterwards - via Bleecker for a quick squint in Marc. So over rated. We scarpered pretty quick, after a laugh at the queues for the equally over rated Magnolia Bakery.

I am wearing: blue skinny jeans, Loomstate wolf print T shirt, big dangly Indian earrings and heavy brown leather flat boots.
Listening to: the divine Ella