Sunday, July 26, 2009

Red Bank Farmers Market

organic carrots farmers market

Nothing gets me out of bed quicker on a weekend than the prospect of a farmers market. When I was on the West Coast I managed to tick off the Santa Monica & San Francisco Ferry markets to some success. The former was great as we were buying to cook a meal, the latter infinitely frustrating as I was about to drive down to Monterey so couldn't buy anything. (Bar scrummy Vietnamese lunch from Out The Door, The Slanted Door's takeout, which I ate on the steps of a nearby fountain.)

Today I made it to Red Bank NJ's little farmers market, which made up for its size by the breadth of organic, properly local and super fresh produce on offer. GG and I both bought bags of vegetables which we carted home for lunch and supper today.

garden flowers farmers market

New Jersey potatoes farmers market

yellow beans farmers market

Italian bread farmers market

New Jersey onions farmers market

The 2009 market season runs until November 22nd. The market is open every Sunday from 9am-2pm.

ps I'm now hosting my blog photos on Flickr, hence the larger size. Annoyingly, they automatically crop the right hand side of the image to fit the Blogger template. So to see any photo properly, you can always click on an image to see it in its uncropped glory. BTW I don't photoshop or enhance my pics in any way. What you see is what I shoot.