Monday, April 07, 2008

Google searches

Statcounter lets bloggers see which Google searches bring surfers to their sites. Usually they are fairly normal: "handbag designers" or "gladiator sandals", but today brought up two crackers: "Prostitution in Hackney" & "How much do fashion editors get paid?"

I'm afraid the searcher was doomed to disappointment with the first on this blog, but I can help with the second. The answer is not nearly enough; most employers presume the perks of the job - discounts/freebies/beauty products - make up for the hovering around senior PA salary levels.

Believe you me, one does not become a fashion editor for the pay: it definitely falls under the category of lifestyle choice. If you adore fashion & love travel, late nights, and being away from home a lot, then it's the perfect job. You also need tenacity, humour, the skin of a rhino and a high tolerance for tantrums & over-entitled, diva-like behaviour.