Sunday, March 01, 2009

MS Research Funds at Stake

My little sister was diagnosed with MS over ten years ago. Last year I used British MS Awareness Week to explain the illness through her personal experience (Click here to read), and this year I'd like to draw the attention of my American readers to a small way in which they can help research into MS through the auspices of the American National Multiple Sclerosis Society. MS Research Funds at Stake: Contact Your Members of Congress

Any day now Congress will start making decisions about crucial funding for MS research. This legislation would invest $15 million to support MS researchers whose discoveries could hold the key to new treatments or a cure.

More than 400,000 Americans and their families are living with multiple sclerosis. This investment in research could change their lives and get us closer to a world without MS.

There is no time to lose! Your members of Congress need to hear from you right now with an urgent request to support MS research funding. Click here to email.