There is something so peculiarly English about walking into the chippie, and asking for 'a portion of chips, open'. Yum.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last lunch of 2009
Posted by
Liberty London Girl
12/31/2009 01:56:00 pm
The anonymous thoughts of an English fashion editor in Manhattan on life, love, fashion, design and food.
There is something so peculiarly English about walking into the chippie, and asking for 'a portion of chips, open'. Yum.
Posted by
Liberty London Girl
12/31/2009 01:56:00 pm
As a journalist in the real world, I operate LLG on the same principles. I do not accept money from advertisers to write about product, and I have never & will never post paid-for or sponsored content, reviews or SEO links on LLG in exchange for money or for product.
I am always happy to receive relevant press releases & samples of product, on the understanding that not everything I receive will make it into copy and that I will write my unbiased opinion.
I also reserve the right not to post a review.
(Yup, I'm thinking of Mr Perricone's people who never replied back after I said I wldn't guarantee to write about or be nice about his face cream.)
It's fun to run competitions & giveaways on LLG, so do please suggest them. But bear in mind I'm only going to give away beauty product that I've tried & tested, or for items or experiences for which I can vouch. Otherwise this is just free advertising for godknowswhat product to which I am giving my brand approval.
And why exactly why would I want to risk my reputation?
I will not take part in trials, forums or questionnaires for product marketing purposes without payment for my time & expertise. I resent publicity & marketing firms trying to take advantage of bloggers’ generosity of time & spirit and want no part in their strategies.
(Yes, Red Consultancy I'm thinking of you .)
I do not run ads on my site, but this may change in the future.
I am also open to advertising contra deals.
(Especially if they concern bags or shoes).
Please contact me if you would like to discuss advertising or contras further.
I have recently joined two Affiliate Marketing partners to explore AM as a revenue stream for LLG, as currently I give my time for free. However I have no plans to run affiliate banners or buttons on this site, bar the single button for Amazon which is currently in place, as I believe affiliate marketing of this kind is, essentially, free advertising for brands.
(You wanna run an ad? Contact me & we'll talk turkey)
Any AM activity on this site will be by way of deep-linking. As regular readers know, I often recommend items I like in posts on LLG. These recommendations are free from monetary concerns, and represent my own honest opinion, unalloyed by any commercial decision. For ease of use of my readers I have always linked, where available, to an on-line provider, usually picked at random from Google.
As of today, Sept 22, 2009, the on-line links that I provide to product I mention in copy will sometimes, but not always, be to companies with whom I have a small commission based agreement. (The so-called ‘deep-linking’.)This arrangement will have no effect on my unbiased editorial opinion and, as now, no content will be driven by these considerations.
There will be no additional cost to consumers, as all commission costs are born by the brands. (If I have to provide a link to the product, why not one from which I can benefit? In most cases it will simply be a case of say Amazon over Borders, or Boots over has no bearing on the product recommended).
Any opinions expressed by any guest bloggers or commentators are theirs and theirs alone and are not to be considered representative of the opinions of the blog owner.
Here endeth the lesson.