Saturday, January 09, 2010

Russell & Bromley ballerines vs determined baby Basset Hound

I do try to alternate my posts between domesticity, ranting, fashion, food, beauty, sheep etc, and I'm pretty sure it's time for a fashion post. But sod it. I just feel like writing about dogs tonight. But! There's shoes in here too. Sort of.

So. Darling Finchley. Butter wouldn't melt etc etc:

basset hound puppy

But what have we here? Ah. Yes. Finchley with his snout firmly inserted into my black patent Russell & Bromley ballerine.

Finchley shoes

Do not be deceived by the laid back stance & doped up expression. This is just a preliminary exploration.

Finchley shoes

Now the pre-chewing licking can commence.

Finchley shoes

Please observe how in these images the position of the back legs never changes. This is a dog who has worked out the exact amount of effort required, and who will expend no more energy than strictly necessary.

Next: some advanced teeth action on the lining.

Finchley shoes

Now it's time to get properly serious

Finchley shoes

Pure ecstasy.

Finchley shoes


Finchley shoes

(Combined with 'Don't even think about getting your shoe back off me now. MINE ALL MINE.')

In Finch's defence, sort of, he had already destroyed the lining of both shoes so, when I came to pack for England, I just gave in and presented the shoes as a leaving gift. Finch cldn't believe his luck. He'd been trying to get his sticky little paws on them for months.

To be honest, they were a press gift back in 2006 which I had worn into the ground, so maybe Finch did me a favour by making me give them up. Must say tho, I'm pretty impressed with Russell & Bromley ballerines. These shoes may have cost someone eighty odd quid, but they lasted me for at least two years of hard wear. Well worth the investment - so long as you don't have a Basset Hound in the house.