Sunday, September 02, 2007

Yes, we do eat.

The myth that fashion people don’t eat is very, very dull. Most of the shoots I’ve been on have seen the entire crew elbowing each other out of the way to get to the food stash at lunchtime. The editorial assistant who went out to buy lunch for our 16 strong crew (we had a separate team filming us all for a behind the scenes piece) on Upper Street on Friday, bless her, had to go out again to double the amount of food she bought: yet another person who believed we all subsist on carrot sticks.

The picture above is the snack section of the kitchen table of the location house I was shooting in last week in London. It’s no wonder we were requesting more fruit by the end of the week: it’s far too tempting to grab a mini Danish or a little choccy bar for on-the-hoof sustenance as you nip past the snack table hunting for your prop kit, which you know you put down SOMEWHERE on the last shot when you were tit taping the model together –again.