Why thank you darling Susannah of Le Style Sauvage firstly for tagging me with a Thinking Blogger Award, secondly, for saying the most delicious blush-making things about my blog and, thirdly, for alerting me to some rather good blogs. I first got tagged in June by my adored Mrs Fashion, and several times since: I do like the way it lets blogs connect to each other.
This time around I would like to tag Wee Birdy, for keeping me so stylishly up to date with London, Nonsense on Stilettos for proving categorically that girls who live in India are just so thoroughly ON it, The Glam Guide for being such a good blogosphere friend, Queens Michelle & Marie of Kingdom of Style who not only enagage with great design in an intelligent and amusing manner, but quite obviously have the best wardrobes in Scotland, and a return-the-compliment tag to Style...A Work in Progress for being a blogger who writes beautifully, and who always surprises me with her take on life.