Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sign of the times


Five years ago, if the three of us (Muv, Lil's sis, me) had walked into the house after a long day out together, Muv would have gone to the kitchen to make some tea & talk to the hounds, and lil'sis & I would have gone upstairs to our rooms to slump on our beds, read, stare at the ceiling. (Doesn't everyone revert to teenage behaviour at their parent's homes?)

I rather like that we all now head to the kitchen together to check our email, (the walls of the house are too thick to get wi-fi reception elsewhere), and hang out.

I also feel rather vindicated that, after years of my mother telling me that I spend too much time on my laptop, she has landed in the information age with a bang.

Yup, this woman of sixty-four has not only worked out how to email and to play on the internets, but she has started a blog. I set it up for her remotely from New York one rainy Sunday afternoon and, after a little trial and error, and quite a lot of shouting at each other, she took to writing blog posts like the proverbial duck.

She's still a little shaky in the whole replying to comments/leaving comments on other blogs arena, but she's getting the hang of it day by day.

And, most exciting of all, she turns out to be a really good writer. Properly good. If you like stories about delicious food, country kitchens, the English countryside, gardens, friendship and dogs, do check out A Life Reclaimed.